Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator
Concept and Copywriting, Logo Design, Exhibit Design, Mock-up Illustration
Create branding and introductory campaign for new web portal offered as a member benefit.

The logo for myCHIME needed to coordinate with the existing CHIME logo.
The “myCHIME” logo incorporates the existing “CHIME” logo, building on the existing association identity to more clearly associate the web portal as a member benefit. The style of the “my” in the logo created a jumping-off point for the promotional concept, “My connection”.
The ad design, targeted to mature senior executives in the healthcare IT market, maintains a visual connection to other CHIME projects while explaining and defining the portal benefits.
The ad style was used consistently through email, advertising, and a hands-on trial kiosk at a CHIME event.

Center spread ad for event program

Pre-show mockup of myCHIME kiosk

The myCHIME kiosk as seen on Twitter.
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