With all the possible media available to communicate a marketing message, I still find it incredibly useful to create a print document as a starting point. This project, the Global Machine Vision Interface Standards brochure, designed for AIA and several other machine vision organizations, is a great demonstration of why.
The brochure covers five hardware and two software standards that enable interoperability among devices used in vision automation solutions. Assembling a print document with comparative data for each standard allowed the organizers to:
- Present all materials in an organized manner to stakeholders for approval on content
- Gather all relevant logos and graphics about the topic…at a high print resolution of 300 dpi
- Generate tables, charts, and other story-telling graphics
And now, we also have organized digital assets to repurpose in scads of other ways…from social media and blog posts to exhibits and advertising. Print documents serve as a reliable structure to curate your ideas, even if you never print them. Plus, print documents are easily exported as electronic documents–PDFs–or used as the basis of a mobile app. In the email below, I was especially pleased to see AIA offering this brochure in many formats, and encouraging readers to keep it on mobile devices for reference!

An excerpt from the A3 Global Vision Standards Update newsletter that describes the Global Vision Standard brochure, offered in print, pdf, English, and Chinese.
Having a “look” established for this set of standards came in very handy when the standards organization at an exhibiting opportunity at The Vision Show 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts. An interpretation of the brochure’s cover graphic created a cohesive exhibit: